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  • Writer's pictureCarol Delmornay

Good morning!

Good morning from the beautiful goldfields of Western Australia.

Went for our morning walk this morning around 6 am - no dogs out today - phew.

Yesterday, we also went for a bike ride - down to the rail line and back - holy shit, I forgot how hard that is because I haven't done it for quite some time now. Even though we had water, it was just out of the tap (which meant it wasn't cold) and it was icky - think I pushed it a bit (meaning the length of the ride, not pushing the bike). About 800 meters from home, I had to get off my bike and walk (after resting in some shade for a bit) - got very dizzy and felt like I was about to hit the ground. That was not a nice feeling. The ride was about 5 km's all up and it was quite hot. Went for one this morning a couple of hours after our walk, and OMG - my thighs feel like they're rocks! And we only went around the big block near home today. There's no way we could have made it to the end of this road (which is the main road into the east side of town).

I've been pottering around doing another cover and hope I will finish it at some point today so I can post it tomorrow - then you can all tell me what you think about it.

I have finished another choker - photos are included. Can anyone tell me what it says on the front? I want to see if people can read it or not. I should have used a more contrasting color to do the lettering, but the beads I have of this size don't offer a very good selection, so I just had to use what I had on hand. I do plan on getting more of a color variety, depending on how much interest these chokers garner. They're very labor intensive and once finished, it is quite weighty. Haven't weighed it on the digital scales yet to know how heavy it is - will have to do that tomorrow.

Stay safe, and I hope you all have a wonderful day or night.

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